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 What is  Mediation ?

Mediation is a voluntary process of conflict resolution that allows parties in dispute the opportunity to address their issues in a confidential and private environment. Our Mediation Service provides a professional Mediator to facilitate people who wish to resolve disputes & conflicts in the following sectors:

  • Child Access Matters & Parenting Plans
  • Conflict resolution
  • Family relationships/ Disputes

Workplace Mediation

  • Dignity at Work Complaints
  • Interpersonal disputes
  • Bullying and Harassment Complaints
  • Workplace Investigations

The Mediation Service describes the role of the mediator as follows:

  • To see individuals/groups together and help them settle their differences.
  • To create a climate in which neither party dominates, instead both parties participate fully in good faith.
  • To create and maintain an atmosphere of co-operation and responsibility.
  • To help people deal with difficult emotional issues that can prevent them reaching agreement.
  • To help people reach agreement that they believe to be fair, equitable and workable.

How does the service operate?

A professionally trained mediator assists the people to reach their own agreement.

  • All/ Both parties attend.
  • Discussions are confidential.
  • The mediator does not take sides.

How long does it take?

Mediation usually takes between two and six sessions.

An initial contact session may be held with each person individually before coming together.

Each session lasts approximately one & half hours. For an appointment regarding Mediation Service, both/all parties must contact the service & confirm their willingness to attend.


01-537 6456

089 238 6877

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